Thursday, October 20, 2011

New Story - The Crane Wife

Japanese Folk Tale

There once was a lonely sail maker named Osamu, who lived high above the sea on a hilltop. From his house he would watch the Cranes flying and resting in the green salt marsh below his house. More than anything Osamu wished for a wife so he won't be so lonely, but who would marry a poor sail maker? One autumn night during a storm he heard something hit the house. He ran outside and found a great Crane lying stunned and still. He felt sorry for the Crane and decided to bring it inside his home and nurse it back to health. Once the Crane recovered, it flew away and returned to the other Cranes.

One moonlight night the man heard someone knocking on his door. He opened the door to find a beautiful girl standing there. Her name is Yukiko, and she stayed with him, and over time became his wife. It wasn't long however, before they began to run out of money. On seeing this Yukiko offered to weave Osamu a magic sail, but only on the condition that he will promise not to watch her while she is working. Yukiko wove all night long and in the morning, the sail she gave to Osamu was so light and delicate, and sounded as if it had the wind woven into it. Osamu was able to sell the magic sail for enough gold to live on for half a year.

Then the money began to run out again, so Osamu asked Yukiko to weave another magic sail for him to sell. Yukiko was hestitant and afraid, she told him that it will take all that she has to weave another magic sail. Osamu convinced her to make just one more, but she made him promise again not to watch her while she is weaving. Once again he sold the sail and for enough gold to live on for another six months.

One day a wealthy trader, came to the village. He told Osamu that he had been searching for him. He offered Osamu a lifetime of gold for a magic sail to be made for his ship. Yukiko refused. Osamu pleaded, but Yukiko did not relent. Osamu ordered his wife to make the sail. Yukiko went to her loom and once again made Osamu promise her not to look on her while she is weaving. That night Osamu  listened to the loom in the next room. He brooded over of his wife's reluctance to help him. He decided it was important for him to learn the secret of her weaving so he could continue his lucrative business, so he broke his promise and looked. He saw a great white Crane, the same one he saved all those month ago, weaving her own soft down ito the sail. Yukiko looked up and saw her husband at the door. With sad eyes, she turned and flew out the window. Osamu never saw her again - only from a distance flying with the other Cranes.

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